“More in 24” – Can You Do It? Your Transformation is Within Reach


Are you in a tough place in life and wondering where to go from there? Even the most optimistic people in the world get discouraged sometimes. I have always been a glass-half-full type of person, even under dire circumstances where a solution to the problem was not in sight and remaining positive seemed somewhat delusional.

Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I don’t see a way forward, and the future seems daunting, but like many people, I put one foot in front of the other in what feels like a valiant effort to make things happen. Why? Because I understand at a deep, visceral level that change is the only constant (as Heraclitus said), and it is 100% possible to reach my intended destination. And you can, too!

If They Did It, So Can You

I had the distinct pleasure of working in human resources for years. During that season, I had many conversations with people from all walks of life about the trials and tribulations of living. Even the most put-together, high-achieving executive experienced unimaginable lows both personally and professionally. The best part for me was witnessing them leap (or step carefully) over obstacles and find joy again.

I’ll never forget having to terminate someone’s employment for repeated poor performance in an administrative capacity. She was smart and witty, just not a good fit for the role. We had a wonderful conversation about life and the types of roles that would fit her passions and natural abilities. While the exit meeting started tearfully, it ended with her gleeful expression of excitement about the future. The smile on her face as she cheerfully walked out of the building for the last time seemed to taunt, “Goodbye suckers!” She went on to pursue a successful career in beauty and fashion.

Let me be clear: letting someone go wasn’t always like that. One person lit up a cigarette in a non-smoking building as soon as I mentioned their termination, then proceeded with a profanity-laden tirade coordinated with dramatic hand gestures. Thankfully, I wasn’t on their hit list. Those were the good old days.

Around the same time, I had a friend who immigrated to the United States from Nigeria. He was unassuming, kind-hearted, and always wore the brightest smile. He owned a modest home and often talked about making it big in real estate. About a decade later, he had turned his vision into reality with an impressive portfolio of real estate investments throughout the country.

I could tell dozens of similar stories because I’ve worked with underemployed professionals who were desperate to make a better living for themselves and their families. I have also encountered people who achieved huge success and lost nearly everything. The point is that the challenges of finding one’s way in life are common because there are ebbs and flows, mountains and valleys. The angst of it all is relatable to many, though more stressful and difficult for some than others for a truckload of reasons.

What You Must Become

Here’s the deal: Your valiant effort to transform any area of your life will not be in vain. I am speaking to myself as I write this. I have repeatedly heard the phrase “More in 24” as people discuss their plans for this new year. Hopefully, there is an understanding that “more” is not just about what you can gain but what you must become, like more disciplined, committed, and consistent.

What do you want in 2024? Better relationships? Improved health? A more satisfying career? What can you do today, tomorrow, next week, and in the coming months to move closer to that goal? There is always a way to begin with little to no expense. Whatever you want, it deserves your full effort. Are you willing to make that sacrifice? Do you believe in yourself? You may need to quiet the noise in your mind and get on with it, but that’s a topic for another blog post.

As for me, I commit to giving myself the very best chance of success in every area of life through intentional daily micro-actions, even when it feels uncomfortable. Will you do the same? The possibilities are endless, and I’m excited about the prospect of a transformative year!
