Skillfully Navigating Office Politics: Dos and Don’ts


Office politics can be a challenging aspect of any workplace, often determining career progression and success. Navigating these dynamics can be a delicate balance, requiring tact and careful consideration. Below I discuss some essential dos and don’ts to help you navigate office politics effectively and maintain a positive work environment.

What to Do

1. Build Relationships

Developing strong relationships with colleagues is vital in navigating office politics. Take the time to get to know your coworkers, show interest in their work, and offer support when needed. Building rapport can help you foster a positive work environment and gain allies in navigating challenging situations.

Examples of ways to build relationships include engaging in casual conversations with colleagues during lunch breaks or participating in team-building activities to foster connections. Keep in mind that you can build professional relationships without getting too personal. Maintaining healthy boundaries is also important.

2. Maintain Professionalism

Always maintain a high level of professionalism, regardless of the circumstances. Treat everyone with respect, be courteous, and avoid engaging in gossip or negative discussions about coworkers. Displaying professionalism will earn you trust and credibility within the organization.

Maintaining professionalism is not always easy, especially when dealing with difficult people. When faced with a difficult coworker, address the issue directly and constructively, focusing on finding a solution rather than escalating the problem. Notably, you will have to escalate some situations.

3. Stay Informed

Being aware of ongoing projects, changes, and developments within your organization is crucial. Stay updated on company news, attend meetings and training sessions, and actively participate in discussions. This will demonstrate your commitment to the organization and keep you informed about potential opportunities or challenges.

You can stay informed by regularly checking company communication channels, such as intranet portals or newsletters, to stay informed about important updates and initiatives.

4. Be a Team Player

Collaboration and teamwork are highly valued in most workplaces. Show a willingness to collaborate with others, offer assistance, and share credit for achievements. Being a team player will help you build positive relationships and contribute to a harmonious work environment.

One way to demonstrate your commitment to the team is by volunteering to help an overwhelmed colleague with a task or offering your expertise to contribute to team projects.

What Not to Do

1. Engage in Office Gossip

Gossiping about coworkers or spreading rumors can quickly damage your reputation and erode trust within the workplace. Avoid engaging in negative conversations or participating in gossip, as it can lead to strained relationships and hinder your professional growth. Discussing personal matters or sharing sensitive information about colleagues with others is not beneficial.

2. Play Favorites

Treating certain colleagues more favorably than others can create divisions and breed resentment. Avoid showing bias or favoritism, and treat all coworkers fairly and equally. This will help you build trust and maintain a positive work environment. When collaborating on projects, ensure that you distribute tasks and responsibilities fairly among team members.

3. Overstep Boundaries

Respect personal boundaries and avoid meddling in others’ affairs. While it’s essential to build relationships, be mindful not to intrude on personal or sensitive matters. Maintain a professional distance and focus on work-related interactions. It’s best to avoid prying into personal issues or asking inappropriate questions about a colleague’s personal life.

4. Ignore Office Politics

While it may be tempting to avoid office politics altogether, understanding and acknowledging their existence is crucial. Ignoring office politics can result in missed opportunities or being blindsided by unexpected changes. Stay informed and navigate these dynamics with grace and professionalism. You can stay aware of what’s going on without participating in office politics.


Navigating office politics requires a delicate balance of building relationships, maintaining professionalism, staying informed, and being a team player. By following these dos and avoiding the don’ts, you can effectively navigate office politics and create a positive work environment that fosters growth and success. Navigating office politics is largely about building authentic relationships and demonstrating professionalism, even when it’s hard.
